
Got a haircut. Now I need a headband to keep the hair out of my face. Hopefully, it won’t be too tight or too loose.

The pattern so far:

Using Red Heart Soft yarn in Off-white and homemade wooden DPNs approximately size US7?

Using long-tail method, CO 80sts. join in the round

Row 1, 2: (K1 P1) around

Row 3: (K1 p1) until one stitch remaining, wrap and turn

Row 4: (P1 K1) until one stitch remaining, wrap and turn

Row 5: (P1 K1) until 2 sts remaining, wrap and turn

Row 6: (K1 P1) until 2 sts remaining, wrap and turn

Row 7: (K1 P1) until 3 sts remaining, wrap and turn

Row 8: (P1 K1) until 3 sts remaining, wrap and turn

Row 9: (P1 K1) until 4 sts remain, W&T

Row 10: (K1 P1) until 4 sts, W&T

Row 11: (K1 P1) until 5, W&T

Row 12: (P1 K1) until 5, W&T

Row 13: (P1 K1) until 6, W&T

Row 14: (K1P1) until 6, W&T

*Row 15: (K1 P1) until 7, W&T

Row 16: (P1 K1) until 7, W&T

Row 17: (P1 K1) until 8, w&t

Row 18: (k1 p1) until 8, w&t

Row 19: (k1 p1) until 9, w&t

Row 20: (p1 k1) until 9, w&t

Row 21: (p1 k1) until 10, w&t

Row 22: (k1 p1) until 10 w&t

Row 23: (k1 p1) to end of row picking up wraps as you come across them

Row 24: (k1 p1) across, picking up wraps as you come across them

Bind off with Icelandic bind off


*where I am right now


I am following this method of wrapping and turning:

Wrap and Turn part 1

Wrap and Turn part 2

But rather than paying attention to whether it’s the wrong side or the right side (since who can tell with ribbing?), I am treating it as the right side (slipping the stitch knitwise) if I end up with a knit stitch right before the wrap and turn. If I purl the stitch right before the wrap and turn, then I am treating it as if it was the wrong side (slipping the stitch purlwise). I do not know how this will turn out when I go back and pick up the wraps…I also don’t understand why you slip the stitch knitwise on the right side. Something to ponder on later….

Also, will there be a problem picking up wraps in the round? Will I need to alter the method?


To consider in the future: adding beads, maybe pearl-type beads


Edited to Add:

Finished. Headband is too loose. Also should have made the short row section start closer to the ears rather than at the very back of the head. Also has a bit of laddering in the back.

I now understand why you slip knitwise on the right side rows when wrapping and turning. It is because when you go back and pick up the wraps, you knit through the back loop. I ended up with some twisted stitches here and there, which I was paying enough attention, most of the time, to fix. I think for me with ribbing, the best method would be to slip all of them purlwise and then when it is time to pick up the wraps to change the orientation as needed at that time. Otherwise it takes more brainpower than I currently have to determine which way to slip the stitch for each wrap and turn.

Finished headband. Yes, I hate weaving in ends.

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